Monique Jordan-Cave

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5 Steps To Developing A Growth Mindset

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello magical being!

Today I am going to share with you…

5 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset!

So, before we get started, let’s get clear on Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

1.    What is a Fixed Mindset?

According to psychologist Carol Dweck, a fixed mindset is when a person believes that their basic abilities, intelligence, and talents are fixed traits.

They believe “It is what it is”!

2.    What is a Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset, however, is when a person believes their abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence.

As I started my coaching consultancy I had to practice, build and push through my fixed mindset beliefs to get myself into a growth mindset.

There is so much that goes into changing careers, industries or running a business but, learning to be flexible is achievable.

Think of any leader, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs or top athlete Usain Bolt!

They all have the growth mindset.

They all believe that if they work harder, believe in themselves and show up consistently, they will achieve their next goal.

A growth mindset is essential for results, success and growth.

So now we’re clear on the difference, let’s get started.”

1.   Change Your Mind

Imagine, 3 people see the same movie but, all walk away feeling something different.

Person 1 thought that was amazing…

Person 2 thought it was, meh, okay… and

The third person thought it was crap!


We live through our perspective, not reality.

We are all guilty of this.

We re-enact an event or story in our mind generalise what happened, filter information through past experiences, we add bits, taken away parts of the story and walk away feeling that, that was exactly what happened.

It takes practice to be more mindfully aware and not put your opinions and judgements onto an event.

If you tell yourself YOU CAN’T, YOU WON’T.

2.   Paint Your Future Picture

As a coach I use a visualisation technique.

Think of: 

  • What does your ideal career/life/business look like?

  • Where will you live?

  • What car will you drive?

  • What will you do for fun?

  • What kind of friends will you have?

  • How much money will you have?

  • What will your mind look like? 

Take a moment to really visualise your goal, write these down and have a go at the exercise.

Please make sure you comment below and tell me how you got on. I’d love to know.

3.   Zoom Out

What is happening around you?

I use a Neurological Levels of Change exercise, which is just fancy coach talk for a Goal Alignment exercise.

It covers your Environment, Behaviour, Abilities & Skills, Values & Beliefs, Identity, and finally, Mission & Purpose. 

E.g. For Environment, I would ask my client the following:

1.    What is there in your current physical environment that is in alignment with your goal?

2.    What is there in your current physical environment that works against your goal?

3.    What could you do to make changes to your physical environment that would be more in alignment with your goal?

Going through this process ensures that you are looking at the bigger picture and get real clarity on what is needed to help next steps.

4. Say NO!

We all do this.

Someone asks a favour which we really don’t want to do, it’s going to take up too much time and effort but, more importantly, you really don’t want to do it!

A lady I was coaching was constantly saying yes to the wrong clients, consuming her time with projects that didn’t serve her financially or mentally.

Through practising saying no, she now has more time to do all the things that fill her love cup, and that’s exactly what I want for you.

So the next time someone asks a favour that your mind screams no before they even finish their sentence, practice being brave and say, NO!

5.   Respect Your Wins

Take a moment to take a look at where you started, and where you are now. I bet you now see that you have accomplished more than you thought you had.

Stop comparing yourself to others, you are your own competition and unique.

There is no failure, only feedback – take that feedback, learn, apply it and grow. That’s what Oprah would do!

So, the next time you feel stuck, remember, you can achieve anything you put your mind to if you practice these 5 steps.


Step 1.    Change Your Mind

Step 2.    Paint Your Future Picture

Step 3.    Zoom Out

Step 4.    Say No!

Step 5.    Respect Your Wins 

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