Monique Jordan-Cave

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Build Your Business & Change Your Life Forever

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

I’ve had plenty of “What is my new normal”, “What Can I Do Differently Once This is All Over? Type conversations.

If you have an idea, passion or side hustle that you are thinking of turning into a business, don’t move!

I am going to take you through 6 steps you need to consider BEFORE you start your business.

Steps to take BEFORE Starting your Business!

I know EXACTLY where you are and EXACTLY how you are feeling.

I am walking the walk and talking the talk.

The idea didn’t just pop into our heads one morning. You’ve craved and wanted something more for a while.

And the current global pandemic, has just magnified that, and put things in perspective for you.

What not to do?

Jump straight in without doing any research, no progress plan, no options, no financial planning and no accountability!

No, please, don’t do that…

What you should do?

1.  PURPOSE: Start with your “Why”?

Really think about why you want to do this AND make sure that it aligns with what is most important to you.

If you are going to make this massive change, it has to align exclusively with not just what you want to do, but with who you are and what your purpose is.

Otherwise, what’s the point?

Ask yourself:

  1. Why do I want this?

  2. Who am I doing this for?

  3. What are the benefits of running my own business and what will it give me, professionally and personally?

  4.  How will it benefit my family and loved ones?

  5. What are the downsides or the risks?

2.  GET SPECIFIC: Get clear on the “What”?

Is this new business a fantasy (like, providing astronauts with trees to plant on Venus or making special flavoured popcorn for monkey’s)?

In other words, is it specific and what is its purpose?

We have all fantasised about doing something different and wonderful but it has to be clear and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound.

Consider this?

1.  What does my business do, what is its purpose?

2. What is it called?

3. How would I describe it to people?

4. How is it going to help people?

5. Is there a market/need for it?

6. It is realistic?

 3.  GET REAL: What is it REALLY going to take to get there?

Get honest with yourself and acknowledge where you really are.

Many of the skills I used in my old career were transferable to being a coach and running a business but I also need to train and qualify as a coach and NLP Practitioner, so how can you draw on your current knowledge and skills in your business?

Ask yourself these questions:

1. How much time will I realistically need to achieve this transition?

2. What resources do I already have?

2. What additional skills or resources do I need to actually do this?

2. How long will it take to skill up or gain a certification?

4.  Who do I already know that could help me or give me some advice?

Stay positive!

 Don’t be scared to ask for help. I ask my friends, family and network for help all the time.

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far go together.

4.  PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! Create your Action Plan

Make space in your life to get this done. If you’ve truly decided to do this and it’s really important to you, you cannot and will not skip this step.

Start with the end in mind.

  1. Your main outcome is to launch your new business.

  2. Write down the 4 /5 key steps towards your business launch (do this on A4 paper and place them on the floor in front of you).

  3. Put them into sequence until it feels right.

  4. Stand on the first step and Identify ALL of the actions necessary to achieve Step 1 (e.g. financial plans, research, options, time frame etc.).

  5. Complete the same process for the next 4/5 steps. 

Now the fun and brave part…

  • Commit to following through with the first action in Step 1.

Allocate yourself daily, weekly or monthly tasks, however long is necessary - so that you know EXACTLY what you’ll be doing, when you’ll be doing it and how long it is going to take.

You do not want to wing this!

As you go through these tasks, you will notice how, what feels like little wins, lead to the larger achievements and before you know it, you’ve completed all the steps and launched your business!

5.  KNOW YOUR BRAND: What is your story?

Still being real, there may be lots of other people in your current market.

Don’t get caught up in other people that have more subscribers or experience than you!

How are you going to make yourself stand out?

Remember this, YOU ARE UNIQUE and have something beautiful to offer!

No one is like you.

You have your own story of how you created your company, how you want to help and impact the world and how passionate you are about what you do.

If you are genuine, people will relate to you.

Think of these:

  1. How did I get to where I am now?

  2. What makes my business different from the rest?

  3. Why does this business exist?

  4. Create a client persona (Who are my clients, how old are they, where do they live, what type of jobs do they have, what are their motivations, goals, pain points)?

  5. What do my clients need?

  6. How can I help them?

  7. Why should they care?

6.  Divulge your inner Circle

Tell EVERYONE!!! You will be shocked to see how many people support and encourage you in your new journey. It’s also a great way to stay on track!

Do not go into stealth mode and only tell everyone once everything is in place and perfect and your website is up and you’ve selected the perfect colour palette (*slaps forehead - I did this)!

The benefits of telling people are:

  1. It will make it even more real in your mind, and give you a creative visual map to follow. I’m a big believer in speaking aloud and manifesting what you want.

  2. It’s a great way to find out what interest people have in your new business idea; and

  3. It can help with overcoming imposter syndrome because, your success has no time for it!

Reach out to people in your new world and guest post, take part in online interviews, join networking social pages for people in your new industry and interact!!!

You don’t have to write long paragraphs to connect with people, remember, they are human, just like you!

Whatever you do, be sincere and help where you can!

So, what now??

It’s really simple, follow the steps above then take one deliberate, strategic, brave step every single, day and don’t give up!

Now it’s your turn!

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