Monique Jordan-Cave

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Stop Feeling Stuck and Get Moving!

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello, magical human,

I hope you’re ready to fill our love cup tool kit and learn

How to Stop Feeling Stuck (in your career and life) and Get Moving!

We have all found ourselves in the sunken place.

Consciously or unconsciously.

Yes, feeling stuck.

We’ve all had the experience where we feel like we’re not moving fast enough and no matter what we do, we are not advancing.

It’s super frustrating and sometimes paralysing feeling like you are not in control and not able to manifest or experience what you want in your career and life.

I believe that you can live life by your own personal design and not rate your worth and career success by what others want, have or are doing.

I’ve been in the sunken place and this comes up for some of my clients so I wanted to share a few tips to help you.

So go get comfy, grab a cuppa, pen and notepad and let’s get you unstuck, so that you can create a life that is colourful and dynamic.

Why Do I Feel Like This?

1. You don’t know who you are: If you’re not aware of your purpose or what you really want, you get stuck in your desire to do something more meaningful, but you don’t know what or, only focus on what you aren’t capable of so you drown in limited perceptions of your “reality”.

2. You don’t want to find out who you are: So fear raises her shabby head and stops you taking risks or push beyond what you already know. Because, it’s comfortable, familiar and feels safe.

3. You live to your own high expectations or, other people’s expectations of you: We live in a very competitive and hyper productive world where we constantly feel like we have to do better and get ahead, do what others are doing or, we’re trapped in our responsibilities or loyalty to make our loved ones happy.

All of the above are mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausting.

Let me know in the comments below which one you relate to most.

I’m a No. 3! *Slowly raises hand…

So How Do I Get Unstuck?

1. Slow Down My Love (Ask and Listen):

You have to fully arrive somewhere, before you leave it.

You can move change jobs, departments or find other distractions, but, if your career mindset doesn’t change, everything else will stay the same.

So when your mindset changes, your career HAS to follow.

Allowing yourself time to truly become aware of what is going on and recognising that you need to go at a pace that is right for you is very important.

Swirling in the sunken place, constantly telling yourself “I’m stuck, I don’t know what to do” over and over is not helpful because it’s too vague, and when you do that, you lose the power of focus and where to take action.

Slow down and ask yourself:

“Where am I stuck?”

What exact area in your career do you feel stuck?

Are you willing to do something that scares you and try something you believe you can’t?

Are you prepared to fall on your arse and burst out of the box to challenge what you believe in yourself or what others have told you?

Are you prepared to feel a bit vulnerable?

If the answer is yes, then let’s go a little deeper and get laser focused on what area you are stuck on.

  • What specific area of your career do you want to make changes?

  • Where are you now?

  • Where do you want to be?

  • What could you do to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be?

  • Working backwards, what are the small steps you need to take?

Want to go even deeper?

  • What do you want to accomplish in your career before you leave this planet and transcend to another universe?

  • What are you willing to do (to get what you want)?

  • What are you not willing to do?

This right here, is where the truth is, and that is where you need to put your attention and focus to get you unstuck in your career.

Once the external noise of others and your internal Little Miss Nut Nut (you know my inner critic by now – yes I named mine - She’s the crazy lady in your head!)

When she’s pipped down with her confusion, reasons and excuses, this is your moment to take everything you have learned and make a choice.

I won’t lie to you.

I keep it real in the Love Cup Coaching Lounge.

Being stuck is a choice. I don’t like it myself but, it’s the truth.

You’ve decided to opt out because it’s too scary or painful.

Are you willing to forgive, accept yourself and put you on top of the list?

Please do take a moment to write down the answers to the questions above – let me know what you discover in the comments below.

2. Talk to people you trust

People need people.

There is no shame in getting support.

By asking for help from others, and this could be your best friend, mentor, work colleague or family member.

You have to admit to yourself, more than anything, that you don’t know what to do.

You take responsibility and gain accountability.

Scary and hard, I know. But very very powerful.

No one wants to feel like they aren’t capable of handling their own shizz but think of it this way…

“You can only take yourself as far as you can go, based on what you know.“

If you’d like my 1:1 help to get you unstuck, click here to learn more about my 90 minute Alignment Strategy Session, which will help you align your career and life, get clear on your purpose and create a bespoke plan to maximise your goals, fulfilment and wellbeing.

Also, speak to people who are doing what you are trying to do!

How did they do it?

No one knows everything and you don’t have to take everyone’s advice word for word but you can breathe it in, use it to reassess your situation and do what’s best for you.

3. Power Up Your Momentum: Design you Career Advancement Strategy

Put the word willpower away and pick up your real superpower word, choice.

You have now discovered what area of your life you specifically feel stuck in.

You are clear where you currently are compared to where you want to be.

And you have laser focused facts of what it’s really going to take to get there.

So hopefully you took a moment earlier and wrote everything down.

Yes, good, I see you nodding…

If you didn’t, I’ll wait…

I want you grab your calendar and choose a day and time to action the first step.

Have a think about how long it will take to complete this task?

Will you be more motivated to do it in the morning, afternoon or evening?

When that notification goes off.

Do it!

Now, don’t hate me, I am your coach and I’m here to help you step up your game!

So once you’ve completed that step, schedule in the next two!

Because, as you achieve them, you will notice what feels like little wins, lead to the larger achievements and before you know it, you will get to where you want to be!

And if you let me know in the comments below, I can celebrate with you!

Remember, success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Basically consistency!!

At least once a week, make time to reflect on what you have accomplished and what you have learned and praise your efforts instead of judging your abilities.

What three small steps can you take to achieve a needle point of movement in your career?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!


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