Monique Jordan-Cave

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What is a Career Coach?

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

What is Career Coaching?

If you are ready to get 1:1 support from me? Click here to find out how I can help you start your journey to excel in your career or transition from 9-5 to business owner.

There’s still a bit of mystery in the UK around what a career coach is, what we do and how we help transform our clients lives.

So, here is, (I hope!), a simple and short answer as to what coaching is and what I do as a Transformation & Life Style Coach.

What Coaching is NOT?

  • Therapy

  • Consulting; or

  • Mentoring.

  1. Therapists seek to overcome deep phycological, emotional and troubling experiences from someone’s past.

    Coaching draws on all of the positive experiences and success from your past and aligns them with your present.

  1. Consultants are hired to look at a situation and then give advice based on relevant experience.

    Coaches do not give advice!

  1. Mentors are already an expert in their field and seek to help others succeed through networking, giving advice and sharing contacts.

Coaches are not mentors because, you don’t want to follow in my footsteps.

 You want to walk into your full potential and accomplish your dreams and goals. 

So, What is Career Coaching and, How Can You Help Me?

Coaching is a different conversation, where I ask you lots of questions, ones that might make you feel uncomfortable because, they make you face what is holding you back in your career… which can feel a little scary.

We all feel that way when we’re faced with something new.

But, through asking these sometimes challenging questions it will help you overcome obstacles like procrastination, release bad habits and make the necessary changes or shifts, to take you from where you are, to where you want to be.


  • It could be the improvement of a skill to get you seen for that next promotion;

  • More confidence in interviews; or

  • You want to raise your performance in your business.

  • You may not be certain what career move you want to make…

    and you’re not quite sure how to figure it all out in your head.

I’ll work with you to find space in your life and make a custom-made detailed plan, so that week by week, you’ll take the necessary steps, with the right mindset, to get to your goal.

Think of top runner Usain Bolt. Why is he so good?

He has a talent and skills, just like you, he is a human being, just like you.

You both share the drive and desire to get ahead and develop yourselves, but, he has a coach, guiding him, cheering him on to be the best athlete he can be.

Throw in a lot of hard work on Usain’s side, physical training, diet, early nights, showing up, time after time on a specific day and time.

It’s the same in our coaching environment, only less running.

I hope!

By having someone hold you accountable in a safe and fun self-learning space you will succeed.

If YOU don’t work, it won’t work.

10 ways a life coach can change your life?

1.    Find your true purpose

2.    Get crystal clear on what you want in your career and life

3.    Build your confidence

4.    Get motivated

5.    Get the support, guidance and tools you need to excel in your career

6.    Grow mentally and spiritually

7.    Experience the career you have always wanted

8.    Find out how to transition out of your role

9.    Find true happiness

10. Make a bigger impact in your career, life and the world!

If this resonates with you and you want to go deeper, click here to learn more about my 1:1 Coaching Programme.

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