Salut, I’m Monique

For over 18 years I was caught in the wonderful cyclone that is the music, entertainment & TV industry (EMI Music Publishing, Virgin Records, NBCUniversal and Channel 4).

Working closely alongside CEOs and Executives, to help them lead and work more efficiently, to enable them to fulfil their professional and personal aspirations.

I’m very proud to say, I co-founded and co-chaired Channel 4’s first BAME Network.

Took part in panel discussions for my senior role and was featured in Broadcast Magazine.

I’d reached the top of my game.

I felt like a complete imposter.

But even with the self-doubt, there was still a little voice telling me to dig deeper…

After a lot of soul work (i.e. a lot of self-discovery, coaching, crying, more imposter syndrome, implementing boundaries, planning and getting over my “But what if I’m not good enough” talk.

I knew I wanted to help people to be the best versions of themselves and had always dreamed of running my own business.

I worked hard, invested, made a commitment and made sacrifices to become a certified and accredited Life Coach, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Mindfulness Practitioner and NLP Practitioner.

What followed was an emergence of unbelievable inner calm, self-awareness, self-acceptance and the fearless determination to succeed… or at my very best, try.

So, what now?

Now I do what I love!

Every day, I see the outcome of what self-belief, action, integrity and boundaries look like.

Every day, I wake up with a new motivation, connection and passion.

I get to work with amazing humans and witness their growth.

My highest values are FREEDOM and TRUTH.

That being said, there are some days that I wobble - hey, I’m human!

But remember, everything takes practice and you’re never starting fresh unless you are straight out of the womb.

When not working, I love reading, singing bowls, and reflecting upon the universal existence of unicorns (because yes, life is magical).

Barre, yoga and drinking fresh lemon & ginger tea, with one of two cats on my laptop!

Live life. Be free. Succeed.

We all want more of something, let’s go get it together.




Monique Jordan Cave Leadership and Holistic Coach About Me - with her two Cats Anubis (on her lap) and Seraphina (walking on top of the sofa)

My mission is to help magical humans, just like you.

You can expect me to always tell you the truth, even if it is hard for you to hear.

I will provide encouragement and support, without judgement.

To help you realise your full potential and design personalised, results driven strategies to help you succeed.

You will have my complete commitment and focus on your best interests as a whole human being, not just your goals.


 xx Work With Me xx


Private 1:1 Sessions

I have developed an empowering coaching programme that will allow you to identify and shift limiting beliefs to help you lean into your power, and lead with integrity and confidence to excel in your career.


Corporate Coaching

You care about your employee's psychological safety and want them to thrive by naturally bringing all of their value, culture and experience to your business. These sessions will do just that.

Accredited AC Coach