Corporate Coaching

Helping high performers perform, whilst staying in alignment with who they are, what they want to achieve and how they need to feel.

You care about your employee's psychological safety and want them to thrive by creating conditions for sustainable high performance, collaboration, innovation and inclusive leadership.

To help them naturally bring all of their experience, unique value and confidence to your business.

These sessions will do just that.

  • I create bespoke services for my corporate clients. Let’s have a chat about your company’s needs, budget and how we can move your strategy and action plan forward.

Employees who feel valued are the most productive and stay in their roles longer.

 “Monique supported our clients to identify and work towards meaningful personal and career goals.

Clients benefited from Monique’s passionate and non-judgemental approach to coaching.

She takes the time to understand, encourage and motivate women to rebuild confidence and self-belief, so they are best placed to find meaningful employment and leave their past behind.

Monique is easy to work with, full of zest, energy and dedicated to helping others to unlock their potential.

-Working Chance