Mindset Habits That Will Change Your Life!
Written by Monique Jordan-Cave
Leadership and Holistic Coach
Hello, magical human,
I hope you’re ready to fill your love cup tool kit and learn:
4 Mindset Habits That Will Change Your Life and Improve How You Communicate!
We are all souls living a human experience.
Every human on this planet is living in their own special bubble, simply trying to find their own way in this crazy ass world!
These bubbles are full of personal hope, challenges, insecurities, likes, dislikes, wants, needs, opinions, feelings and learned ways of communicating.
We then have to try and understand, communicate and depending on the relationship, fulfil the needs of others in our personal and professional lives.
Navigating the workplace and all the politics it holds.
To holding down relationships with your family and friends.
There is always space for miscommunications, misspoken words and misunderstandings.
But, when you can see the bigger picture and view situations with a different perspective, you realise, people are people, and shizz don’t seem so crazy!
These 4 mindset habits have changed my life.
I have adopted and learned to apply these mindset habits and I wanted to share them with you.
They’ve have helped me completely changed the way I interact with every human that I come into contact with.
They have helped strengthened professional and personal relationships and improved my communication skills.
and bonus… given me better peace of mind!
So now I don’t get pissed off as much, have to call on my angels and ancestors and break out my crystal wand, which is definitely a bonus, right? lol
1. Speak Your Truth and Stand with Integrity
Think of all the times you went along with what a friend, family or work colleague wanted because you thought “Cha, I just can’t be arsed to argue”. Or “It’ll be less stress to just do what they want - let’s get this over with.”
What you really did was uphold their truth and integrity over yours.
Now, let’s be honest, how did it make you feel?
It always made me feel pretty shitty, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
Because when we go against what we believe in or what we really want to do, it hurts – a lot!
You should never compromise your thoughts, feelings or what you believe in to make someone else feel better than, or to appease them.
Speaking up doesn’t mean you are disrespecting someone else or being hard headed.
You were put on this planet with a voice and you should use it, especially for what you care about the most.
What is important to you, should be prioritised…
Because what is important to someone else is important to them…
and that’s ok.
Don’t compromise your integrity and morals – you deserve to be heard.
2. Stop Assuming!
This is where we get shizz totally wrong.
We’ve all been there.
You’re having a conversation with someone or a group of people, they say something (that makes you say internally “I beg your f@*ing pardon?”). Your back is up and you immediately jump to a conclusion.
Now you’re on the defence and you’re allll up in your feelings.
Only to find out at a later date, that they didn’t mean it in the way you took it.
That wasn’t their intention at all!
Now you feel like an ediaat.
Because all the feelings you felt, and all of the thoughts that ran through your mind*
*and I know, you manifested multiple scenarios: “Ohh watch the next time I see Jackie, I swear, I’m ready for her”! lol
You were there, almost in real life.
You felt it, you could see her, you could hear yourself saying those words.
But, all of that powerful imagination, all of that time and manifested energy was a waste…
Because you made an assumption.
Embarrassing much?
If you don’t understand a question or something that is said. Don’t assume!
Take a breath (and preferably with a polite smile) ask:
“What did you mean by that?”
Doing so will help you stop jumping to conclusions and getting your feelings unnecessarily hurt.
Plus help you build healthy and factual communication.
3. Don’t Take Things Personally
Stop giving away your power!
Everything isn’t a criticism and everyone has an opinion (rolls eyes).
If someone says something that leaves you a bit disgruntled, I want you to try two things:
👉 Try to see things from their perspective: Put yourself in their shoes before you react. How might they be feeling to say what they said?
👉 And then ask yourself these questions:
Why do I feel offended by what they said?
Is that what I think of myself?
Do I believe what they said to be true or false, about me?
Asking yourself these questions, might not help get rid of your frustrations.
You might still not like, what was said or done.
But giving yourself time to take a step back will help you learn a little more about yourself and the other person.
Before you get or stay in your feelings!
4. Always Try Your Very Best
Always trying your best simply means competing with yourself in a healthy way.
It’s good to have high standards but don’t expect everything in life to be perfect.
If you haven’t started or finished a project…
Or, if you’re constantly beating yourself up that you are not doing good enough because you think Jackie makes the same shit look easy.
It’s only distracting you from what you should be doing, which then leads to overwhelm and procrastination (each come with their own awful feelings).
So go and grab your diary now.
No, I mean it, go and get whatever you use to schedule your day.
I’ll wait…
Okay, now set a date and time for you to action whatever it is you want to achieve, and try your best.
I want you to make a plan, action it, and celebrate your wins.
The small steps you take today will have you looking back in a month’s time saying “Shizz, look how far I’ve come. I couldn’t care less what Jackie’s doing”!
Fancy stepping this up a notch?
I invite you magical human to…
The Leadership and Alignment Lounge Magic Mindset Challenge:
I want you to try and adopt these 4 mindset habits into your life and see if it makes a difference.
So, for the next 7 days try to:
1. Speak Your Truth and Stand in Your Integrity: Say what you really think and feel and stand up for what you believe in.
2. Try Not to Make Assumptions: If you don’t understand something, ASK! No question is a silly question.
3. Try Not to Take Things Personally: Not everything is about you babe, unless you believe it relates to you in some way. Sometimes people get in their heads and react emotionally. Put yourself in their shoes for a new learning perspective.
4. Try Your Best: Perfect doesn’t exist. Make a plan and simply try your best at whatever it is you want to achieve.
Think about it, you have nothing to lose by trying this challenge.
If you do, please let me know in the comments below if you’ve noticed a difference in how you feel by applying these mindset habits.
How could these mindset habits change the way you think and communicate?
Over to you!
Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.