Burnout and Overwhelm - Let’s Talk!

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello magical being,

From what I’ve been hearing, you’ve been over doing it.

*wags unicorn paw

Overwhelm and Burnout - Let’s talk.

Burnout is something that has either been ignored or glorified over the years.

You know, if you push yourself hard and work the longest hours you’ll be the best.

It’s supposed to show how much we care and how passionate we are about what we do.

Well, as far as I’m concerned, that’s rubbish.

I’m not glorifying it.

It’s detrimental to your health and future success.

I used to work in a really demanding corporate role (over 18 years).

I’ve experienced burnout and stress, dealing with high expectations, last-minute changes, no room for failure or inaccuracy (and all the anxieties that comes with) and super looooong hours.

All whilst maintaining a high standard of professionalism and bearing the emotional intelligence and patience of a goddess…

Buying into the belief of “Go hard or go home”…

It nearly broke me.

We are all constantly called upon, DAILY, to show up, in all areas of our lives.

You might feel like you’re not achieving your vision fast enough.

Or, in this crazy and unstable time, you may just be grateful right now to have a job.

So you’re pushing yourself to the limit, at work, in your business and or at home.

Your brain slows down and stops functioning as fast as usual and you start to feel physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

The normally optimistic, happy go lucky lady starts to feel a little bit numb and overwhelmed.

Let’s keep it real…

The pressure is real…

But you are not alone (I feel like I say that a lot but.. it’s true!) lol

You’re passionate and proud of what you do, you love to help people and you have personal dreams.

But let’s strike the balance.

Here are some practices I have in my Love Cup Tool Kit to help me avoid burnout and keep me in tune, before it gets worse.

You have to try different things and find what works for you, but please use these as inspiration and adapt them to suit your unique magical self.

1. Mindful Moments

Start having daily self-check ins.

You can use a journal or make time in the day (I prefer the morning with a cup of tea) to write down or sit with your thoughts.

It’s your safe space, and time, to really listen and be as open and honest as you can, with you.

Absorb your feelings and release them, good and bad so you get the full picture.

Let out grief, stress, anxieties or frustrations without judgement and in private.

Use it to reflect on everything you have accomplished the day or week before. ;-)

You can really learn a lot about yourself on an intuitive subconscious level, as you read over your past entries.

It helps you stay aware of what triggers your low energy levels and what energises you.

Honour your thoughts and feelings.

It’s cathartic and you deserve it.

What are your triggers?

  • When did you start to feel that way?

  • What was happening around you when you felt this change?

  • Who was around you?

  • External noise: TV, social media or mobile phone (anything you tend to binge on to distract you from what you are thinking or feeling).

What WILL HELP YOU mindfully with these triggers?


  • What am I doing well?

  • What makes me feel happy?

  • What 3 things am I proud of accomplishing this week?

Physically (these are mine, feel free to use or bin!):

  • Barre & Yoga (I use the free App Down Dog)

  • Jog/Run (hit the streets and get some fresh air)

  • Bike Ride (for when it’s just a little too cold outside) lol

  • Strength Training (with varied hand weights)

Emotionally and Spiritually:

  • Singing Bowl (my personal preference)

  • Meditation (another fave of mine)

  • Reading

  • Walking

  • Singing or listening to upbeat music

2. Energy

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious…

“Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution” – Albert Einstein

The energy you surround yourself with, is as important as the energy you vibrate within yourself.

Who you surround yourself with matters because, it determines the quality of the conversations you are having.

To help keep you moving in a space of growth and positivity, it’s super important to surround yourself with solution focused, high vibrational peeps.

Speak to those creative soul leaders and reach out for support.

You won’t be a burden.

It's time to ask yourself…

👉 What changes can I make in my physical environment that is more in alignment with what I want and need?

👉 Who is in my life, in this moment, that I could ask to be some form of mentor, encourager or motivator

👉 Who in my life, in this moment, that hinders my vision or progress (says you cannot achieve your goal, discourages you etc.)?

3. Flexi Time Blocking

I use Flexi-time blocking to help keep my sanity.

It stops me from getting overwhelmed, doing too much and stops me leaning on my procrastination vixen.

For me, it starts at the end of the year.

I visualise and manifest everything I want to happen.

I sit down and schedule my yearly vision and goals for EVERYTHING I want to make time for and achieve in my business and personal life.

I then break them down into quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily actions.

So every Sunday evening, I sit down for an hour or so, and review what I have coming up for the week ahead.

Everything is connected…

Instead of completing tasks whenever you find the time, flexi time blocking lets you know exactly what you need to do and when.

The value of this is that it not only helps you build your day around your priorities.

It will also tie into and align with your short and long term vision/goals, ensuring your achieve them!

So, by scheduling my time in advance, I’m able to say no to non-priorities and I have to power to say, “Soz, that time doesn’t work for me. But I can do…”!

This also helps create respectful, guilt free boundaries!


What we have to remember is, everyone lives in their own little bubble. So what is urgent and important to them, is urgent and important TO THEM!

It’s absolutely none of your business! lol

You are in control of your time.

Never believe that you don’t have time for your needs and priorities.

Make time.

Try flexi-time blocking and ease overwhelm and create boundaries!


  1. Mindful Moments:

    Give yourself permission to listen to yourself and open pandoras box.

    She isn’t as scary as you think she is.

  2. Energy:

    Surround yourself with positive, solution focused people to elevate your vibrations and learn from those who want the same. Success without the stress!

3. Flexi Time Blocking:

Schedule your priorities in advance and eradicate overwhelm, burnout and stress.

With the added bonus of creating boundaries.

Your mind and body tells you everything you need to know about what’s wrong, listen to her!

Your first responsibility is to your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.

How can you lead or live life to the fullest, if you are not feeling your best?

Create the balance.

It is not selfish of you to need rest or STOP.

Being aware of how you feel and what you can do to capture those low moments makes you stronger, not just for yourself but for everyone around you.

Fill your Love Cup Tool kit and don’t be afraid, embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty for dipping into it when you need to take care of you.

Which of the above will you try, to prevent overwhelm and burnout?

Let me know in the comments below.

Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.



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