5 Signs You’re in the Wrong Job!

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello, magical human,

I hope you’re ready to gain unrivalled career clarity and discover

5 Signs, You’re in the Wrong Job!

If you want success and happiness at work but feel or can relate to any of these.

It’s time to make a strategic plan and get some support.

Because if you are not in a career that motivates, supports and values you.

You need to get the hell outta there!

Here are 5 signs that clearly identify if you are in the wrong job.

PLUS, I have a strategic plan at the end to help you.

Because I got your back!😘

You ready?

1. Your Favourite Day is Payday

Remember, there is only ONE of these per month. lol

If you are wishing, praying, longing or keeping your eyes on the last day of the month then my love, you are in the wrong job.

Going to work shouldn’t only be about paying the bills.

Yes, you need to pay your bills and you have responsibilities but doing it only for the cash is never going to be rewarding.

Find a role where every day is your favourite day!

2. Astral Travelling is Your Job at Work

I would call myself a super astral traveller but I’ve learnt to control it.

If your spirit decides to take a little trip every time you have to show up for work, I have to be honest with you.

Your physical vessel shouldn’t be there either.

If you find yourself on your twentieth mental fantasy to the Maldives, basking in the sun with a cocktail in hand, or wondering what you should eat that evening, find yourself thinking about what the cats are getting up to, or thinking you really need to put a clothes wash on and call your mum.

It’s time to make a move.

When you don’t feel engaged your mind wonders and is anywhere but on the job or task at hand which is dangerous!

Ensuring your career or job is engaging, challenging, motivating and gives you the growth opportunities you desire, like personal development is key.

Find a role that motivates your mind and energises your spirit so you show up as your best self every day with ninja focus!

3. You Always Feel Drained

Workplace fatigue isn’t just about being physically tired.

It means you are mentally exhausted!

When your energy levels are low, so is your motivation.

If you find yourself walking to the kitchen, about to make your fifth coffee, because you’ve been staring at an email you’ve been trying to compose for past 30mins.


You shouldn’t need a crutch to make it through the day.

Get out darling!

Find a role that challenges you, with less pressure and gives you a sense of purpose and pride!

4. You Take the Easy Way… Not the Right Way

You find the easiest way to do the easiest task.

Now I’m all down for working S.M.A.R.T.E.R and not harder BUT, if you are actively cutting corners to get the task done quickly…

Real talk…

You are not cutting it!

Never show up to a job and give 10% trying to fake 100%.

It’s not a good look and only destroys YOUR reputation and character.

Find a job that inspires you to where giving 100% feels like an easy 10%!

5. Your Boss, Colleagues or Environment are Toxic

Get the hell out, NOW!

I really want to write this entire step in capitals because this makes my heart skip a beat.

No one should EVER EVER compromise your mental or emotional health at work.

You should NEVER go to work and experience ANYONE upsetting you, speaking down to you or, make you feel like you aren’t good enough at what you do.

That isn’t why you are there.

You are there to do a good job.

And if you even dare to think it’s you and you’re not good at your job, know this.

They would have fired your ass a long time ago if you weren’t!

As I told you before, I’ve got your back, lovely.

Which sign do you relate to the most?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!

Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.



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