Do THIS To Control Your FEARS and Anxiety

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello, magical human,

I hope you’re ready to fill your alignment and wellbeing tool kit with a detox process to

Manage Your Fears!

There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

If you leave with nothing else my love, please know that is true.

The sad thing about fear, is we give it so much power and allow it to rule far too many decisions in our lives.

From trying a new food or taking on a new project at work or having a difficult conversation with a friend or family member.

So you close your eyes.

You feel a wave of paralysing emotions wash over your body.

It either feels like a ten feet tall brick wall stopping you from taking action or your mind holds you back and convinces you that speaking up, just isn’t worth the risk.

The thought of what MIGHT happen is always going to feel worse than what is GOING to happen.

So before you’ve even given yourself a chance to try.

When you open your eyes.

You’re sitting in a corner, cocooned in the foetal position, rocking back and forth (with or without tears).

I’ve been there, and yes, I’m not ashamed to say, in that exact foetal position (with tears).

It isn’t a nice feeling but I know it happens all too often for a lot of magical beings.

I want you to start operating from a place of abundant strength, confidence and excitement.

Instead of scarcity and numbing fear.

So today, I want to share with you a fear detox and mindfulness process.

To acknowledge, process, challenge and stand up to your fears.

It will help you get out of the corner and into a freeing space.

I’m right with you fellow soul leader.

Let’s do this!

1.    Write down exactly what you are afraid of!

I’m being serious here, write down everything.

Big fears.

Small concerns.

And everything in between.

Start to acknowledge…

  • How does it make you feel?

  • Where do you feel it?

  • What are the physical side effects of what you’re afraid of?

Now, I know as you are writing these down, you’re starting to feel a bit sick and uncomfortable because your brain is recalling the icky feelings.

Take your time.

Don’t think about it too much.

No one is watching or listening and no one is going to read your list.

Just get it down.

It’s okay. I’m right here with you.

2.    Put Your Fear into Context

This requires only ONE question of you.

What is the worst thing that could ACTUALLY happen?

I mean, is the sky going to fall down and crush the human species?

Ummm, no.

Will you not wake up the next day and life as you know it will cease to exist?

Ummmm, no.


What is the worst thing that WILL happen?

3.    Think Logically 

Okay little miss badass.

So, you took my challenge and thought of all the worst things that could happen.

Well, I challenge you back!

How likely is your worst-case scenario going to happen?

4.    Face It!

Remember, the thought of what MIGHT happen is always going to feel worse than what is GOING to happen.

But facing, head on, what is holding you back from being your most magnificent self, is going the only way to get you moving forward.

If you feel yourself starting to tense up (hello foetal position), and your mind begins to say “Oh, no no no no no Monique, not today”.

Here is what I want you to do:

  1. Unclench and relax your jaw.

  2. Align your shoulders with your hips.

  3. Raise your chest to the sky.

  4. And take a slow deep breath, in and out.

Feel better?

How did this Fear Detox and Mindfulness Process work for You?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!  


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