Can’t Figure out What You're Good At?

Use your unique skills and experience to excel in your career

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello, magical human,


I hope you’re ready to fill your career love cup tool kit and figure out


What You’re Good At!


Be honest.


The last time someone asked you “So tell me, what are your strengths?”


How did you react?


How did you feel?


What did you say?


Chances are, if you are like most humble humans.


You felt shocked into silence, your heart leapt out of your chest or the first thing you said was “uummmmmm”.


Now, let’s face it, if you weren’t good at anything you wouldn’t have made it this far in life.




You are never starting fresh unless you are straight out from the womb!


Yes, you are a fully functioning human being with loads of unique talents, skills, career and life experience.


So if you’re sitting on the “ummmmmmm” fence.


My soul sister, I’ve got you! 😉


This process will help you figure out exactly what you are good at, which you can then use to:


👉 Create your career advancement strategy, to make a bigger aligned impact at work


👉 Make changes in your life to help you and your friends and loved ones


👉 Give you a boost of confidence in and out of work.


Are you ready?


1.    The FAB Three!


Grab a pen and paper and make a list of:


1. One big problem you have solved in your career.


2. One accomplishment you are most proud of in your life.


3. One scenario when a friend, family member or work colleague asked you for help on an important matter.


Please, don’t rush this process.


Go make a cup of tea, find a quiet space, make yourself comfortable and take your time.


Make your list, then come back.


I’ll wait…


2.    What Skills/Experience helped you solve/achieve these things?


I’m going to need you to Sasha Fierce this part because, every part of your powerful but humble self is going to make you say.


“I don’t know, I didn’t do anything special”.


But you did!


All humans do things differently.


You are unique and no one on this planet could have handled those situations like you did.


If you still find it difficult to manifest your Sasha Fierce.


Ask a friend or someone you love, trust or respect to help you look over it all and ask them what they see.


What you have is a clear set of skills that have already proven, get you results.

3.    How Can You Use Your Magic?


This is where you can be super creative and discover all of the new possibilities and opportunities that will now be much clearer to you.


Ask yourself the following questions to help you figure out your next steps.


  • How can I align and use my badass skills and experience with my current job to get that promotion or become more visible? 

  • Who can I ask for advice?

  • Do I know who has done something similar that can guide me?


So the next time Little Miss Nut Nut (the crazy lady/negative self-talker in your head) or Sneaky Imposter Syndrome raise their big heads.


Remember this episode and the process, play it again if you have to.


I want you to let your mind explore how you can use your tested and successful skills and experience in the best magical way.


You don’t need to know everything right now.


You just need to know enough to get started.


Let me know in the comments below how this process worked for you.


Over to you!

 Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.



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