Struggling to Communicate at Work? Try These 4 Things!

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Hello, magical human,

I hope you’re ready to fill your career love cup tool kit and learn

How to Make an Impact and Communicate Effectively

I see you.

You’re a smart, creative and energetic magical powerhouse.

You may not feel it all the time but, I see you.

The only thing is, when it’s time to show up to a meeting and it’s your turn to present, share your opinions, ideas or what you’ve been up to.


The struggling begins.

👉 Your confidence gremlin starts to strip you butt naked.

👉 Speaking makes you feel sick to your stomach and you lose your ability to form words.

👉 Your mind begins to race with everything you THINK you are going to say wrong; or

👉 Your heart drops to your booty-hole.

No more my love, not today!

Here is a simple 4 step strategy that I have used with my clients, to help them identify and overcome mindset blocks.

Which helps them communicate harmoniously and make the impact they want.

Follow this my fellow unicorn and you too will feel like a badass in the Zoom, Board Room or even an interview!

1.    Be Prepared

The mind has a great way of wandering off or getting distracted at the wrong moment!

I mean, who doesn’t love to astral travel?!

So here’s what I want you to do:

  1. Make a list of all the points, ideas, thoughts AND questions you want to raise and share.

    If you need to, make some extended notes under each bullet.

  2. Then, imagine your favourite person is standing in front of you and practise speaking out loud to them your bullet points and notes.

  3. Now, re-write each bullet and note as you spoke it out loud.

You see, the words we write on paper and the words we say in our minds, isn’t the same as how we say them out loud.

Practising out loud raises your confidence, keeps you on track and helps you share your thoughts, opinions and ideas in the most relaxed way, because it feels more natural.

Try it and let me know in the comments if you can see and feel the difference between the two versions!

2.    Sack the Crazy Lady in Your Head

Lock Little Miss Nut Nut in the boot of a car and push the crazy heifer off of a cliff.

No, I’m joking.

But she does deserve it sometimes.

She will have you making assumptions about what people are going to think of you.

Make you think you’re going to mess up what you say before you’ve said it.

She even has the cheek, after you were brave enough to speak up, to make you feel like that you didn’t articulate yourself properly and you shouldn’t have bothered.

She has effectively placed an assumption padlock on your mind and a fear cape around your body.

Take a moment to think of this…

What’s the worst that can REALLY happen?

Let me tell you!

That’s the worst thing that will happen.

You will have the same outcome!

You will only get better!

3.    Listen

Now you’ve sacked the crazy lady in your head and it’s much quieter in there.

You now have the power to be more present to listen and hear precisely what is happening around you. Instead of battling with what is being said in your head!

You’ll be more focused and mindful of where your attention is placed and have the space to have fun and engage better with your colleagues and find out what they are doing.

Plus, you’ll have a better understanding of how what you are all doing, ties into and adds value to the company.

4.    Shine Bright Like a Diamond

Smile, take a deep breath, exhale and relax your face, throat and shoulders.

Start with your first bullet point and slowly work your way through.

Trust me, you will fly through it!

If you want to go above and beyond, once you’ve made all your points.

Ask everyone if they have any questions or feedback.

It’s a great way to build rapport with your colleagues, create better engagement and show that YOU are a confident soul leader who wants to develop and progress.

Even if you don’t have the leader title and pay, YET! Lol

What happened when you implemented this strategy?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!


Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.


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