If You’re Struggling Setting Boundaries - Watch This!

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

Learn How to Identify, Communicate and Re-Claim your Boundaries!


FREE Boundaries Masterclass plus Digital Workbook

If not setting boundaries is leaving you feeling overwhelmed, you constantly feel like you are firefighting and getting dragged along by the cart then this boundaries masterclass is going to get you ahead of it.


You are going to learn how to Identify, Effectively Communicate and Re-Claim your boundaries and action them time after time after time.


Boundaries are super important because they help you identify behaviours or situations that are problematic for your soul and they define what respect looks like for you.


We are going deep.


I created this masterclass for my magical clients struggling with setting boundaries:


👉 At work - which was holding them back from becoming the soul leaders they wanted to be; and


👉 At home - because everything is connected and you have to strike a balance.


Today, I’d love to share it with you.


Most of what you believe about boundaries is not true.



Trust me, we are going to untwist your negative beliefs about saying no and learn to say it, without feeling guilty or judged.


By the time we are done with this masterclass, instead of thinking of them negatively, you will walk away feeling empowered.


And to make things even easier for you, I’m also sharing my Let’s Talk Boundaries Workbook, for free.


It will help you, step by step, to reflect and get clear on the big and little things that matter most and help you discover where you may be holding yourself back. So that you can break through it and start to prioritise yourself.

PLUS, it’s fully digital so you can type straight into it and follow along with this masterclass.

Because, who loves you? 😘

See you soon and until then, I bind you in white light to which no negative energy can enter.



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