4 Signs You Struggle Setting Boundaries At Work

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach


Hello, fellow soul leader,

If you don’t set healthy boundaries you will forever be at the mercy of others.

It may not always be easy to see how unhealthy it is until you are stretched to your limit and end up wanting to scream “bleep bleep” at the top of your lungs.

👉 If you told your boss that you “Will get HER presentation finished this weekend”.

👉 You say yes to your team members who desperately need your attention, even though you know it will turn your entire day upside down.

👉 Or you stay quiet during meetings because you don’t think your words are of any value.

Here are:

4 Signs You Struggle Setting Boundaries at Work


What To Do About It!


1. Saying No Makes You Feel Selfish and Guilty

We need to change your mindset around saying no.

You need to get clear on the “Why” behind your “No”.

“By telling Wendy I will finish her presentation this weekend, I will have to sacrifice spending quality time with my partner and/or friends. I will feel worse sacrificing my loved ones than I would saying no to Wendy”.

Makes sense?

Before saying no, take a breath, say it simply, don’t explain (unless the situation honestly warrants it), and stand your ground.

Establishing what’s behind your reason to say now as will give you more confidence and feel more empowered to stand strong and say it with your chest!


2. You Apologise – A LOT

Think of it this way.

When your boundary is crossed it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Why should you apologise for feeling uncomfortable to make someone else feel comfortable?

Sounds crazy now, right?

Yes, being a leader does mean there are times you will need to compromise, with your team and your boss.

Looking at the whole picture and determining if this is ONE of those times that you need to compromise.

Not Apologise!


If communicating your boundaries at work makes you feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Click here to access my free Let’s Talk Boundaries Masterclass plus Digital Workbook.

It will help you identify, communicate and action them without feeling guilty!


3. You Worry About What People Will Think Of You

You have a kick arse solution to a problem that’s come up in a meeting.

But, you stay schtum.


In your mind, you believe everyone in that room has more experience than you and who the hell are you to present them with a solution.

So you convince yourself the solution is dumb and your dumb, so you say nothing.

No, no no, no, no.

They know what they know, which let’s face it, if they have been there 10yrs plus, it’s probably outdated anyway!

You know what you know.

Trust what you know.

That’s why you are in the job!


4. You’re Over-Scheduled, Run Off Your Feet and Tired

Your need to be supportive and competent means you’ve just told Amy in finance that you’ll help her.

You don’t even work in finance! 😂

If you are working on the weekends and taking on the workload of others.

Saying yes to everything turns your entire day upside down – not theirs!

The next time Amy or anyone else from a different department asks for your “help”, say this…

“I understand that falls under your scope of responsibility, but I’m happy to support where it makes sense”!



Can you relate to any of these signs?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!


Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.


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