Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach


Toxic Work Colleagues

Work should be a place of productivity, collaboration, and support.

However, there may come a time when a work colleague becomes a source of toxicity, making everything from meeting deadlines to daily interactions feel unbearable.

When we are exposed to toxic behaviour, it can cause physical and emotional discomfort.

It can also be incredibly challenging to know how to cope with toxicity at work and navigate the situation while preserving our well-being and productivity.

If you need a strategy on how to deal with a toxic work colleague and create a more positive work environment, look no further.


1. Stand Up For Yourself

Do not react emotionally to them.

Depending on what they have said or done it may not feel easy to do in that moment but, most of the time they do this to get a rise out of you.

They get a hit of dopamine when you react negatively to what they have said or done.

Don’t give them the satisfaction.

Turn the tables and make them reflect on their behaviour.

A great way to do this is to break their stride.

Take a breath, smile and ask them to repeat what they just said.

If they have the audacity to repeat it, look at them like they are crazy and ask them if they are okay.

Trust me, they are not expecting this.

Their behaviour is reflected back onto them and you will literally watch them shrink.

If it happens again, have a one-on-one conversation with them and calmly explain how their behaviour is affecting you.

It's important to be specific about what has made you uncomfortable and express your expectations for how you want to be treated moving forward.

By clearly defining what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, you can effectively communicate your limits and protect yourself from their negativity.


2. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries with a toxic work colleague can be a challenge, but it's an important one for your mental health and well-being.


If you struggle to set boundaries at work and want to unlock the tools you need to establish healthier boundaries for a happier and more successful career, click here to access my free Let’s Talk Boundaries Masterclass plus Digital Workbook.

Together, I will help you build a future where toxic work colleagues no longer hold you back from reaching your full potential!


3. Take Action

It's important to document everything.

Include any conversations, emails, or interactions that may be relevant.

This will help you protect yourself and give you evidence if you do need to take further action and escalate the issue to a manager or HR.

Snitches get stitches does not apply here.

Everyone is grown and should be held accountable and responsible for their behaviour.

Remember, you deserve to work in a safe and healthy environment.

Dealing with a toxic colleague can feel isolating, but it's important to remember that you don't have to go through it alone.

It's important to make sure that your boundaries are being taken seriously and that you are protected from any further negative behaviour.


Working with a toxic work colleague can be a challenging and draining experience.

However, by implementing these three tips, you can regain control of your professional environment and protect your well-being.

How will you handle toxic Tina the next time she has an ego trip?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!


Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.


If you're ready to take your boundary-setting skills to the next level and create a more fulfilling and positive career, CLICK HERE to access my free boundaries masterclass.

In this masterclass, you'll learn invaluable techniques and practical strategies to build stronger boundaries in both your professional and personal life.

Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself and create a healthier work environment.


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