Supercharge and Align Your Goals!

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holstic Coach

Hello, magical human,

I hope you’re ready to fill your Love Cup Tool Kit and learn how to:

Supercharge and Align Your Career!

Starting or picking up on career goals isn’t just for the beginning of the year.

We all start off super strong in January and come March, April, May, we start to lose momentum.

So, why is it so hard for us to achieve all the outcomes we have for our career?

There are lots of reasons…

👉 Your career progression strategy wasn’t specific/clear enough;

👉 You are not scheduling time to action tasks in that strategy;

👉 You are not setting aside enough time to complete tasks or projects;

👉 You begin to feel overwhelmed and burnt-out;

👉 Your procrastination vixen starts to get the best of you;

👉 You start feeling stuck;

I have learned that if you want different results, and what you are currently doing isn’t working.

It’s time to change things up!

When I’m working with my clients, I get them to think, see, feel and really connect with the intention behind their goal.

Your Goal w/ Your Intention

Goals are focused on your future: Goals are an end, not a beginning. When you’re setting a goal, you’re really just setting a desired outcome.

It makes sense that if you are only focused on the end result it becomes difficult to keep you motivated in the present.

Intention helps you focus on the present moment: Intention is about the relationship you have with yourself. It’s who you want to be, how you want to be seen and how you show up every day, regardless if you achieve your goal or not.

Looking at your goal from this perspective, do you feel more empowered and connected to what you want to achieve?

Regardless of what is holding you back, it’s never too late to make changes, and it’s never too late to start.

The secret to supercharging your career goals are:

1. Be Intentional With Your Desired Outcome

If you become obsessed with your desired outcome you lose focus of your day to day actions.

You can start to feel overwhelmed, feel like you’re not moving fast enough, get distracted and waste time on non-important shizz.

Setting intentions and connecting to what you will gain, encourages you to be more mindful in the process.

This activates your internal super power and connection to what you want to achieve in the future.

And inspires a very natural alignment, excitement and motivation in the present and guides your decisions your day to day.

Remember, it’s your daily actions that take you on the wonderful journey to your desired result.

Plus, think about when you are most motivated to complete your tasks. You may be more of a morning or afternoon person.

Whatever you decide to do and whenever you decide to do it, be deliberate with your day and priorities.

Create your Career Advancement Strategy, prepare and invest your time wisely!

2. Identify which areas need improvement

There is so much power in reflection.

If you can discover what area(s) your need to develop, it becomes crystal clear what actions you need to take to improve.

I take my clients through a process I like to call STOB it out!

If you ready for the next step in your career and would like 1:1 support from me? Click here to find out more about my 1:1 coaching programme and how I can help you excel in your career.

It’s a great way to get clear and help you find your Strengths, figure out what you need to Tweak, where to uncover new Opportunities and identity and remove what is Blocking you from moving forward.

Grab a pen and paper and take a moment to work through this too.

Let me know in the comments below what you have discovered!

3. Create Habits that Align with your Desired Outcome

What is a Habit?

A habit is a specific behaviour or action you take every single day on auto-pilot.

Like the time you wake up and go to bed, you only work out in the morning or evenings or you religiously hit snooze every morning.

It becomes a part of you consciously and subconsciously.

So let’s look at a habit loop in action.

So you’re supposed to sit down and update your CV.

The thought of doing it brings some anxiety so, as a habit, your procrastination vixen shows up, and you BOTH decide to sit on the sofa and binge watch Netflix.

Which then leads YOU to feel frustrated and disappointed because, you really want to update your CV because you really want that new job or promotion!

Sound familiar?

So if you disrupt autopilot and gain clarity on the behaviour that stops you from your desired outcome.

You then have the power to change that bad habit, and align your actions with what you want to achieve.

Tada – hello promotion!

Over to you! x

What behaviours have you identified that stop you from achieving what you want?

Let me know in the comments below.

Please feel free to share this article with a loved one, friend or colleague.


Click here to find out how I can help you start your journey of empowerment, and discover the way to transform, transcend and lead in your career with the magical power that is you.


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