Powerful Habits to Ease Anxiety & Boost Productivity

Written by Monique Jordan-Cave

Leadership and Holistic Coach

How to Prioritise Your Workload Without feeling like a deer-in-headlights!

Hello, Magical being,

You have a creative and active mind.

Which, in some ways, actually helps you succeed in your role and it’s gotten you to where you are now in your career.

But when your workload is out of control, you’re working long hours and you’re managing a team across time zones.

Not to mention trying to have a personal life!

That same brilliant and overactive mind may lead to you feeling over challenged, distracted and start to blur your self-confidence.

Leading you to:

👉 Feel like you are going to scream if you hear another email or phone notification.

👉 Work for wayyyy too long. Often with burnout later in the week!

👉 Freezing up like a deer in headlights when getting hit with too many requests at once. Which is super stressful.

👉 Worry about your team, their personal development and wellbeing and how on earth you are going to keep them on track. Making you to feel like an awful human being.

Fear not my fellow soul leader, there is room for improvement and if you’re eager and dedicated to making a few changes.

You have all my energy to help you do just that!

Take a moment to evaluate how you are doing in each of these areas and I promise, you will ease any anxiety, boost your productivity AND discover how you are communicating and getting the best out of your team.

Find the B.A.L.A.N.C.E


B. Boundaries

Contrary to what you may believe, creating boundaries help keep your sanity and establish a respectful relationship with your team (and boss).

Remember, they are going to look to you to know where to draw the line.

If they see you working all hours, taking on more than you are supposed to and see you not taking care of yourself to make ends meet, they are automatically going to think they have to do the same.

So you have to lead by example.

Where am I saying yes when I mean no?

If not setting boundaries is leaving you feeling overwhelmed then my Let’s Talk Boundaries Masterclass is going to help you Identify, Effectively Communicate and Re-Claim your boundaries at work and at home and by the time you are done you will walk away feeling empowered.

Click here to access for free!

A. Assess

Create a clear plan and timeline with your team.

You want them to be able to visualise, feel and fully understand how what they do, helps with the company’s strategy.

Being clear on this will help you to define exactly what everyone should be doing and will make your team feel valued.

“What do we want to achieve and when”?

L. Leverage

You have a team for a reason.

If you are new to leadership, you are going to have to quickly learn to delegate and let go!

If you are not new to leadership, you are going to have to learn to delegate and let go!

Of course, you truly believe that if you do it, you know it’s done and done correctly, I get it.

But, you are only one person and have one job to do.

Pride has no business here.

Remember one of my favourite quotes “Teamwork makes the dream work”!

How am I using my teams unique skills, experience and natural talents to get the job done?

A. Aligned Actions

With a heavy workload and ever growing to do list, what you do daily adds up to what is accomplished over the week, months and year.

Breakdown your yearly plan and timeline into smaller quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily actions to really see the needle point of movement and hit those targets.

What daily actions am I taking that are moving my team towards what we need to achieve?

N. Narrative

If you haven’t got a grip of the imposter within, speaking negatively about your ability as a leader.

Or you sound pessimistic about achieving your goals.

Chances are, this is coming across to your team and this will have a negative impact on their motivation and confidence in you as their leader.

There is only so much you can hide over Zoom.

Do I believe that I deserve this position and do I truly believe I can lead a team?

C. Communication

Are you creating the same environment and culture as your boss - simply telling them what to do and how to do it?

Or, are you trying to do something different?

Create space for a natural flow of shared information to make your team feel like they matter.

If they are finding out about changes last minute or discovering that they have done something wrong from someone else, imagine how that would make them feel.

Here is a great question to ask yourself when determining how you want to communicate with your team.

How would I like my boss to communication with me?

E. Embrace

The company owns the job, you own your career.

If you wasn’t qualified enough, experienced enough or “good” enough you wouldn’t be where you are today.

We carry a lot of beliefs, whether its learned, experienced or seen from others experiences.

Identify where you are not feeling in your power, then take small actions to lean into that fear and disbelief.

It’s the only way you are going to get the truth, gain your confidence and start believing in yourself.

Confidence is built in the “doing” and, AFTER you’ve accomplished it!

You were called to do something bigger than you.

It’s time to step into your capabilities and create your leadership legacy.

How can I embrace my inner soul leader?

Do you think creating the right B.A.L.A.N.C.E will help you?

Let me know in the comments below.

Over to you!


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